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Honor Thy Chef
We've never suggested uses for our organic black garlic products to Pro Chefs- that would be bad JuJu and disrespectful. After all, they are the leaders and experts and what they come up with is never short of inspiring. To that end, we follow chefs- not restaurants and enormously respect their individual and collective talents.
Case in point is the Black Garlic Polenta Cake from JD Morton in Wilmington, DE. A wonderful recipe, a great Chef and low and behold- even a better dad and person. Kinda figures, huh?
However, newbies and home chefs call out for some guidance or flat out want to know "How do I use your organic black garlic? So... that's what our recipe page is all about.
Now that we've launched our new website, new awesome gift box section and got our archival recipes in order, it's time to reach out and beg our pro and home chefs alike to help us out. We really want to feature what YOU come up with and share it to America's organic black garlic love cooks. Please send us your black garlic recipes to:! We'll test them in our experimental kitchen, have pro photos taken and add them to our site!
Lately, you can see how the pendulum of Food Network and Celebrity Chefs has begun to swing back toward sanity. For us, that simply means that we're all more the same than we're different. Our mantra has always been "Share the Goodness" and our goal is to live that everyday.
Eat well,
Patrick W. Lloyd, PhD Founder & CEO-