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Black Garlic Rump Roast – A very easy and very affordable entree
Prep Time: 10 min.
Cook Time: 1 hr.
Skill Level: Easy
Serves: 6 servings
- 4 lb. rump roast
- 3 Obis One black garlic cloves(
- 1 tbsp. Obis One Black Crack(
- 1 tbsp. fresh thyme
- 1 tsp. fresh rosemary
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 tbsp. pepper
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 cup beef broth
1. Preheat oven to 500oF. Remove roast from fridge and allow time to warm to room temp.
2. Combine black garlic cloves, black crack, thyme, rosemary, salt and pepper into a food processor and pulse until well blended (if processor is unavailable give all ingredients a rough chop).
3. Prep the roast by making 4 slits in the roast and filing the holes with chopped herbs and garlic. Rub the remaining mixture on roast.
4. *Be careful not to make deep slits so slicing can be clean.
5. Placing the roast on a rack in roasting pan, fat side up, sear for 20 minutes.
6. Remove roast from oven and reduce temperature to 275 degrees.
7. Add stock and chopped onions to the roasting pan and return to oven.
8. Cook for another 30 minutes, until medium rare.