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Black Garlic Gouda Stuffed Organic Chicken Breast
Spinach, Heirloom Carrots, Sauternes Pan Sauce
Prep Time: 30 min.
Fridge Time: 2 hr.
Cook Time: 20 min.
Skill Level: Medium
Serves: 4 Servings
- 1 tsp. Obis One Black Crack
- ½ tsp. pink peppercorn
- ½ tsp. paprika
- ½ tsp. granulated onion powder
- olive oil
- 4 large boneless, skinless chicken breasts, we prefer air-cooled/cage-free
- 1 cup God’s Country Creamery Black Garlic Gouda
- 2 cup spinach
- 8 mini Heirloom carrots, sliced down the middle (2 large carrots)
- 4 tbsp. butter
- 1 minced shallot
- ½ cup sweet wine, such as Sauternes or Reisling
- 1 cup chicken stock
1. Mix together spices in a small bowl. Season the chicken breasts on both sides with the mixture. Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours.
2. Remove chicken from refrigerator. Lay 2 pieces of chicken on a large piece of plastic wrap, cover with a second piece of plastic wrap and use a meat pounder to pound to about 1/2 inch thick. Transfer to a plate and repeat with the remaining chicken.
3. Preheat the oven to 250oF. Set a cooling rack over a backing sheet.
4. Heat some canola oil in a large sauté pan over medium heat and add spinach. As soon as the spinach is wilted add 1 tbsp. butter and Black Garlic Gouda and combine until blended and melted.
5. Heat canola oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Working in batches, add the chicken to the pan, presentation side down, and cook, adjusting the heat if necessary, until the bottom is golden brown, 1 to 2 minutes. Turn to the second side and cook until golden, another 1 to 2 minutes.
6. Using a small pairing knife, carefully butterfly chicken breasts, making sure not to cut all the way through. Spoon spinach mixture into chicken breasts.
7. Transfer to the rack and cook in the oven for 10 minutes.
8. To make the sauce, melt 3 tbsp. of the butter over medium-high heat with the remaining juice from the chicken. Add the shallots to the pan, reduce the heat to medium, and cook for 30 seconds, swirling the pan to coat the shallot with the butter. Add carrots. Add chicken stock and pour in the wine, increase the heat to medium-high, and cook until the wine has reduced until slightly reduced and thickened, 8-10 minutes. Stir in any juices that have accumulated on the baking sheet and combine for even more flavor.
9. Line carrots on the bottom of a bowl, place chicken on top and pour sauce. Serve hot.